第7屆腎心健康慈善跑 愛心力量20周年特別呈獻1 + 1 = 20



愛心力量20周年特別呈獻1 + 1 = 20


賽事目的 Objectives


Renal disease, often known as one of the most common diseases in Hong Kong, ranked the seventh highest mortality rate. Currently, about 10,000 patients with end-stage renal failure in Hong Kong require dialysis treatment. 80% of those receive Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) treatment 3 to 4 times a day, lasting between 1 and 2 hours for each session, while another 20% use Haemodialysis (HD) treatment. Shocking figures reveal the number of people suffering from renal failure increases by approximately 1,000 cases every year. As such, we would like to organize a race event to raise public awareness about the health and about canning for the disadvantaged as well as patients with end-stage renal failure. 2 objectives of this event are:

1)      To promote the importance of regular exercise and healthcare to the general public; and

2)      To encourage the people with chronic diseases to have strong belief in building a brighter future


受惠人士 Beneficiaries

個人賽籌得的善款會用於幫助腎衰竭患者。1 + 1 = 20 (十公里雙人組) 賽事籌得的善款會透過「低收入家庭課外活動津貼計劃」捐給來自低收入家庭的兒童。

Raised fund of individual run will be used to help renal failure patients; raised fund of “1 + 1 = 20”(10km paired race) will be donated to low income family children" through "Extra-curriculum Subsidized Program".


日期 Date: 16-06-2018 (星期六)

時間 Time:6 pm -10 pm

賽事 Race: 五公里個人組 5km individual run,十公里個人組 10km individual run,十公里雙人組 10km paired race 


起跑時間 Start time:

五公里 5km : 19:00

十公里 10km : 19:50 


個人組別 Individual run category:

A (12 - 17 歲 years old)

B (18 - 29 歲 years old)

C (30 - 39 歲 years old)

D(40 - 49 歲 years old)

E (50+ 歲 years old)


十公里雙人組 (不限年齡) 10km paired race (No age limit):

男女混合組 Mixed 

雙人男子組 Men

雙人女子組 Women



限時 Race time limit

五公里 :五十分鐘,十公里:兩小時 

50 minutes for 5km race, 2 hours for 10km race



Fee: $280/person


All participants can receive t-shirt and finisher medal



路線 Route:

五公里賽事 - 白石角海濱公園 → 創新路公廁折返

5km race route - Pak Shek Promenade Chong San Road (Near the public toliet) (Double back)

十公里賽事 - 白石角海濱公園 → 大皇爺廟折返

5km race route - Pak Shek Promenade → Tai Wong Ye Temple (Double back)

=Double back)


網上報名 Online application
